BF2142 Stats ELFH

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Eddie's Journal, 15th April 2009, 1.30pm

post mid-project presentation.

super angry.df DMD. keep arguing when we ask to change graphics.

why cant she just suck it up??? everyones had it tough.endure alittle of hardship wont hurt anymore than it does im sure the working world would be quite similar so are you just going to argue with ur future boss???

frac.pissed off with her.sick of quarrelling with her.just going to do and see what happens.should have been desginer and programmer both compromising alittle and in the end its us programmers giving and shes just taking it all.

frac, frac, frac.

plus our minigame 3 idea the dmd indie marker said was too simple but our programmer indie maker said it was ok. we asked her to go tell her sup the difference and she just said that the indie markers said it was too simple. and now we have to rethink the idea again.


at night went to le part with frens.weird moments.overall today was a okok bodering on bad outing.shall not go into details.complicated.

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