BF2142 Stats ELFH

Friday 22 May 2009


crap... tuesday presentation was crap...

today was also another crap day... freaking bugs everywhere...

tml is re-presentation... have alot of improvements since tuesday's problem... but too bad marks are all set liao...cant change...

yes finally last day tml... abit sad cos its an end to some nice partnership... happy cos its the end of some irritating ones too...

alls well ends well i guess...outside of classroom im sure we're all still frens...

brings abt the point of fate and future lines... butterfly effect and all that chaos theory...

if i were to meet them...all of my current friends, under different circumstances, different places doing different things...

how would things have changed?

how would things have turned out?

u see butterfly effect is very chaotic yet simple to understand...

it happened when a scientist by the name of Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when, as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127 the computer would hold.

The result was a completely different weather scenario.

in theory the flap of a single butterfly's wings can change the course of weather patterns...

may be if i had worn a different pants to meet the same person on the exact same day... things would have turned out differently?

would like to hope so...but i cant time travel so its all only on paper....

ytd jus called PW told her i want to quit next week...

partly cos i have jus got my sentosa underwater world job...

2nd is i dont feel like working at sakae anymore... not much incentives to make me stay... recently been giving me alot unhappiness and all...

enough is enough... thats what my sec sch OM used to say...

shes not letting me go anyway...i presume im one of the last grp of pple who are competent enough left there...

in reality im not that good... im only good if im working with good people and with a good team...

thats the thing they fail to see... anyway there are people there getting on my nerves... been tolerating them for more than 1 year liao... explode soon? tempting...

simply put:
"If you get fucked every time you try to do your job cleanly, within the system, what do you do? Stand back, and say thank you? No way. You should fight for what you think is right. ... I contributed to it, but it was not my responsibility"
-Ayrton Senna

point to note... i dont like people poking my head... it irritates the living shit out of me...

another thing...

u ask a question, i answer... not happy with the answer try asking someone else... dont bitch about and fuck me over it... im not ur fucking wikipedia...

strangely something seems to be holding me back... i really want to have a campfire next year to celebrate the very first CF on the new grounds...

but i jus have a feeling that things wont fall into place... and that an age of stifle is approaching...

things we though were solved seem to have jus submerged and now are resurfacing...

perhaps im too paranoia... but then again things should not jus be taken in at face value... look past the facade and take in its true meaning...

or maybe we should jus leave them to their own devices and let god sort them all out...

"if you are weak, then dont show your fangs" - deadman wonderland

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